SEED Follow-up Study Activities
Study staff will contact SEED participants that agreed to future contact to tell them about the SEED Follow-Up Study and determine their interest in participating. A representative from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will determine if a family is eligible to be in the study. If a family is eligible and decides to be in the study, the family will be asked to do the following study activities:

Complete Surveys
If you agree to take part in the SEED Follow-Up Study, you will be asked to complete surveys about your child’s health and development. You may choose to complete the surveys in one of several ways:
- online through a personalized web link that would be sent to you
- a representative from CDC partners can ask you the questions over the phone
- if you are unable to complete the surveys by phone or email, the CDC partners will discuss other options with you
Once you complete the first surveys, you or your child might be invited to take part in more surveys.
Clinic Visit (not for families originally participating in NC or PA)
Families that originally participated in the Colorado or Maryland SEED studies may be asked to do an in-person assessment of their child’s development. The assessment is done by a trained clinician and includes asking the child some questions and/or playing games with him or her. A few weeks after the assessment the family will receive a letter describing the developmental assessment results.